Frequently asked questions

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The aiCAMstir project investigates Artificial Intelligence based Computer Aided Manufacturing of Friction Stir Welds

Answers to frequently asked questions are shown below:

What are the objectives?

The objective of the aiCAMstir project is to add a new computer aided manufacturing control system to FSW machines, which recommends (or even automatically optimises) parameters based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), design of experiments (DOE), Wikipedia-like open source cloud data and artificial intelligence (AI) including machine learning.

This will be achieved by collaborative work by the project participants who benefit from a wiki, a closed LinkedIn group and regular MS Teams meetings in addition to various networking opportunities.

The concept of the aiCAMstir project and the vision of the software to be developed have been first explained in public during on-line discussion with students of the University of Liège on 19 April 2021.

What are the benefits ?

Contributing to the project will provide you with following benefits:

What is included for project participants?

         Everybody         Project participants
of R&D organisations
and universities
Project participants
of industrial companies
Read Open Access information on
Publish Open Access information e.g. about your own activities, services and products on
Attend regular MS Teams meetings
Read and publish information in the LinkedIn group
Additional networking benefits
Price per year 0,00 €/year 0,00 €/year* 985,00 €/year

* Introductory offer for the first year of R&D companies and universities signing-up.

What would/should be my contributions to this project?

The project participants may use the aiCAMstir website for exchanging information. It is a bit like the foyer of a conference, where students and scientists can talk to each other and to industrial companies, who signed-up for the project. Attending Zoom meetings and using a closed LinkedIn group are further benefits.

Initially, we are not applying for EU funding, and want to keep the project open for participants from all continents. At a later stage, regional sub-projects might be set-up with eligible partners.

The aiCAMstir website may also be used for business development, i.e. to set-up sub groups or one-to-one projects. Ideally, some non-proprietary results should be published on the aiCAMstir web site. At a later stage we want to publish Open Access tables, which FSW operators (or even machines) can use as a starting point for parameter setting and optimisation.

How to enrol for becoming a projects participant?

  • If you are a student or scientist at an R&D organisation or university: Please, provide your contact details and wait for our approval or a discussion about your options.
  • If you work for an industrial company: Please, provide your contact details and wait for our non-binding offer. After we receive a purchase order from your company, you and any of your colleagues become project participants for one year. A new non-binding offer will be issued for the subsequent year.
  • If you do not belong to any of these groups, e.g. journalists, unemployed or retired people: please provide your contact details and explain, why you want to become a project participant.

How to create an account?

1. Create account by entering your real name or your user name and provide your E-mail address
2. You will then be contacted by E-mail as follows:

2.1 You will receive free-of-charge access if you work for a university, R&D institute or a project participant, or
2.2 You will receive a non-binding offer for becoming a project participant

3. Your settings will be changed as soon as possible so that you may edit pages 

How to create a user name?

You may register a user name for instance in one of the following formats:

  1. Firstname_Lastname
  2. Firstname_Lastname_at_Company
  3. NickName (please confim by E-mail that you study or work at a University or an R&D institute or if you are employed by an industrial company - or alternatively ask for other options, e.g. if you are self employed)

What are the differences between aiCAMstir and Wikipedia?

What are the differences between aiCAMstir and Wikipedia – and what is the same?
aiCAMstir Wikipedia
Information presented by FSW experts to FSW experts Information presented by volunteers to the general public
Interesting discussions and informal peer review Often no feedback at all
Publish original research Do not publish original research, but report only on things that have been published before and provide the reference
Write about your own R&D activities or the products and services of your company Do not write about yourself or the company that you work for
Feel free to write about yourself or the company that you work for Most people and many companies are not notable(WP)
Provide detailed technical information, e.g. Creative Commons licenced software Publish only information that is required for an encyclopedia
aiCAMstir is a project in which universities, R&D organisations and industrial companies can participate Wikipedia is “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit”
Sponsored by participation fees of industrial companies Sponsored by donations of many individuals
If you work in a dual function both for a university and a company focus on reporting about your scientific work, until you enrol as an industrial company Paid contributions need to be disclosed(WP)
Founded by AluStir and OxCAM (i.e. FTS Engineering Answers Ltd, Sabe Technology Ltd and Transforming Stress Ltd) Founded by Jimmy Wales,(WP) one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World”
Managed by the Project Steering Group Managed by Wikimedia Foundation and the Community
Information is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Do not infringe the copyright of others,(WP)

i.e. publish only your own, Creative Commons licenced or public domain information

Report from a neutral point of view,(WP)

i.e. do not abuse it for spam, blunt promotion or advertisements, please

Vandalism is prohibited,(WP)

i.e. editing or other behaviour deliberately intended to obstruct or defeat the project's purpose will be penalized

Be bold – Go for it(WP)

Why to share Open Access information ?

The concept of this project focusses on sharing Open Access information similar to Wikipedia to a global FSW community. In the early days of friction stir welding a lot of FSW related patents have been filed, even on minor inventions, while now the trend goes towards making the application of FSW as easy as possible by sharing non-proprietary data on tool designs, welding parameters and quality control.

In this project, the research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. Barriers to copying or reuse are also reduced or removed by applying a Creative Commons license for copyright. Even so, it is possible and encouraged, to set-up sub-projects with any of the partners under one-to-one confidentiality agreements, as shown on Main Page#Confidentiality. This could be for instance government funded or industrially funded projects, where some product specific information is kept confidential, while some generic results will be disseminated on the aiCAMstir web site.

What is the duration of the project?

The project is open-ended, i.e. additional tasks will be tackeled, as soon as more universities, R&D organisations and industrial companies join the project.

Summary of terms and conditions

  • The invoice will be issued after confirming the receipt of the purchase order. It is due within 30 days.
  • The liability equals maximally the amount of the regular annual project participation fee.
  • The information made available within the project does not form part of any contract. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, responsibility for errors cannot be expected.
  • Changing circumstances may require to change the terms and condition at any time.

Why did you choose the acronym aiCAMstir?

aiCAMstir is an acronym(WP) consisting of three syllables:

aiCAMstir is also a portmanteau(WP) of the last syllables of the founding partners of this project:

  • AluStir is a consultancy provider on friction stir welding and other solid phase welding processes
  • OxCAM is a consultancy procider on fluid dynamics and stress analysis based between Oxford and Cambridge

Who are the founding partners?

AluStir FTS Engineering Answers Ltd Sabe Technology Ltd Transforming Stress Ltd
Stephan Kallee Mike Lewis Josselin Guillozet Simon Smith
Im Unterdorf 19
63826 Geiselbach, Germany
146 London Road
Biggleswade SG18 8EH, UK
14 Stanton Harcourt Rd
Witney OX28 3LD, UK
The Sycamores, 43 Kneesworth St
Royston SG8 5AB, UK
Tel: +49 (0) 6024 6360123 Tel: +44 (0) 7758 742358 Tel: +44 (0) 7780 595556 Tel: +44 (0) 7742 793848